Shipping & Returns



We strive on providing the best shipping practices to ensure a stress free voyage for your prized coral. Not only do we want you to have a live arrival but healthy to the point that you have long term success.

Shipping days are Tuesday for Wednesday delivery and Wednesday to Thursday delivery.

We ship Via UPS and Fedex, if you have a preference please email us at least one day prior to your shipping day and we will try to accommodate you as best as possible.

DOA Policy

In the unlikely event of a DOA Credit towards a replacement will be issued so long as the package is received on the first delivery attempt, a clear picture of the dead coral in the original packing container must be submitted within two (2) hours of posted delivery time as provided by tracking through Fedex/UPS. No other guarantees past this time frame.

We are not responsible for any delivery delays caused by UPS, Fedex, weather or otherwise. Once its in the hands of Fedex/UPS we are not responsible! Our two hour DOA is a curtesy we extend to all of our customers. However if there is a delay past the first delivery attempt or a delay caused by Fedex/UPS past the original scheduled delivery we are not responsible for any DOA!

That being said! We try to provide the best experience for all of our customers so if there’s any circumstance that there is a DOA outside of our policy we will work with our customers to